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Michael Apollo Lira
Apr 14, 20227 min read
Fools Rush In - The Long Winter
I wrapped up my last blog entry with the following thought: “…people generally understand rules. What they don't seem to grasp, however,...
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Michael Apollo Lira
Apr 5, 20224 min read
Fools Rush In - To Feed The Monster
Sometimes, we charge fool-heartedly into an endeavor without really understanding the whole picture. You can probably think of an...
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Michael Apollo Lira
Feb 13, 20227 min read
A doozy of an update
Well hello! I haven't updated for some time. For anybody who regularly reads my blog, I am so sorry for this. There are many things to...
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Michael Apollo Lira
Jan 9, 20224 min read
Humility in Victory
Harry Potter Mania. I remember it sweeping the nation in the early 2000s. A story that swept up children and adults alike through its...
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Michael Apollo Lira
Nov 22, 20219 min read
How it Started and How it's Going: The Booth
It's said that the most important part of your audio's quality comes from your recording environment. Any voice over artist worth their...
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Michael Apollo Lira
Nov 15, 20213 min read
You don't know what you don't know
There's a saying out there that goes "you don't know what you don't know". It's simple, yet it speaks volumes when one starts to...
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